Source code for ts3.commands

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# The MIT License (MIT)
# Copyright (c) 2013-2018 <see AUTHORS.txt>
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
# this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
# the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
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# subject to the following conditions:
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# copies or substantial portions of the Software.

# Modules
# ------------------------------------------------
from collections import OrderedDict
from .escape import RawParameter

# Data
# ------------------------------------------------
__all__ = ["TS3Commands"]

# Classes
# ------------------------------------------------
[docs]class TS3Commands(object): """ Provides a convenient interface to build the parameters for :meth:`query.TS3BaseConnection.send`. .. hint:: Some query commands accept multiple parameters like :meth:`channeladdperm` (*permid*, *permsid*). I did not found a nice way to implement that feature. If you think you know a nice way how to overload the methods, so that they can handle this feature too, you're welcome to create a issue or pull request on GitHub. .. note:: All methods in this class accept only **keyword arguments** to improve the readability and to avoid wrong parameter orders compared to the official documentation. """ def _return_proxy(self, command, cparameters, uparameters, options): """ Each method ends with:: return self._return_proxy(...) So that this method can be overwritten to catch all commands. :arg command: The query command :type command: string :arg cparameters: The common parameters of the query. :type cparameters: None or a dictionary :arg uparameters: The diffrent unique parameters for the subqueries. :type uparameters: None or a list of dictionaries :arg options: The options of the command. :type options: None or a list of strings. """ return (command, cparameters, uparameters, options)
[docs] def banadd(self, *, ip=None, name=None, uid=None, time=None, banreason=None): """ Usage:: banadd [ip={regexp}] [name={regexp}] [uid={clientUID}] [time={timeInSeconds}] [banreason={text}] Adds a new ban rule on the selected virtual server. All parameters are optional but at least one of the following must be set: ip, name, or uid. Example:: banadd ip= banreason=just\s4\sfun banid=1 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.banadd(ip="") ... >>> ts3cmd.banadd(name="Ben") ... >>> ts3cmd.banadd(name="Ben", time=3600, banreason="I hate you!") """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["ip"] = ip cparams["name"] = name cparams["uid"] = uid cparams["time"] = time cparams["banreason"] = banreason return self._return_proxy("banadd", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def banclient(self, *, clid, time=None, banreason=None): """ Usage:: banclient clid={clientID} [time={timeInSeconds}] [banreason={text}] Bans the client specified with ID clid from the server. Please note that this will create two separate ban rules for the targeted clients IP address and his unique identifier. Example:: banclient clid=4 time=3600 banid=2 banid=3 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.banclient(clid=42, time=900, banreason="HAHA") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["clid"] = clid cparams["time"] = time cparams["banreason"] = banreason return self._return_proxy("banclient", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def bandel(self, *, banid): """ Usage:: bandel banid={banID} Deletes the ban rule with ID banid from the server. Example:: bandel banid=3 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.bandel(8) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["banid"] = banid return self._return_proxy("bandel", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def bandelall(self): """ Usage:: bandelall Deletes all active ban rules from the server. Example:: bandelall error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.bandelall() ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() return self._return_proxy("bandelall", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def banlist(self): """ Usage:: banlist Displays a list of active bans on the selected virtual server. Example:: banlist banid=7 ip= created=1259444002242 invokername=Sven invokercldbid=56 invokeruid=oHhi9WzXLNEFQOwAu4JYKGU+C+c= reason enforcements=0 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.banlist() ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() return self._return_proxy("banlist", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def bindinglist(self): """ Usage:: bindinglist Displays a list of IP addresses used by the server instance on multi-homed machines. Example:: bindinglist ip= error id=0 msg=ok Example: >>> ts3cmd.bindinglist() ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() return self._return_proxy("bindinglist", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def channeladdperm(self, *, cid, permvalue, permid=None, permsid=None): """ Usage:: channeladdperm cid={channelID} ( permid={permID}|permsid={permName} permvalue={permValue} )... Adds a set of specified permissions to a channel. Multiple permissions can be added by providing the two parameters of each permission. A permission can be specified by permid or permsid. Example:: channeladdperm cid=16 permsid=i_client_needed_join_power permvalue=50 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.channeladdperm( ... cid=12, permsid="i_client_needed_join_power", permvalue=50) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["cid"] = cid uparams.append(OrderedDict()) uparams[0]["permid"] = permid uparams[0]["permsid"] = permsid uparams[0]["permvalue"] = permvalue return self._return_proxy("channeladdperm", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def channelclientaddperm(self, *, cid, cldbid, permvalue, permid=None, permsid=None): """ Usage:: channelclientaddperm cid={channelID} cldbid={clientDBID} ( permid={permID}|permsid={permName} permvalue={permValue} )... Adds a set of specified permissions to a client in a specific channel. Multiple permissions can be added by providing the two parameters of each permission. A permission can be specified by permid or permsid. Example:: channelclientaddperm cid=12 cldbid=3 permsid=i_icon_id permvalue=100 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.channelclientaddperm( ... cid=12, cldbid=3, permsid="i_icon_id", permvalue=100) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["cid"] = cid cparams["cldbid"] = cldbid uparams.append(OrderedDict()) uparams[0]["permid"] = permid uparams[0]["permsid"] = permsid uparams[0]["permvalue"] = permvalue return self._return_proxy("channelclientaddperm", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def channelclientdelperm(self, *, cid, cldbid, permsid=None, permid=None): """ Usage:: channelclientdelperm cid={channelID} cldbid={clientDBID} permid={permID}|permsid={permName}... Removes a set of specified permissions from a client in a specific channel. Multiple permissions can be removed at once. A permission can be specified by permid or permsid. Example:: channelclientdelperm cid=12 cldbid=3 permsid=i_icon_id|permsid=b_icon_manage error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.channelclientdelperm( ... cid=12, cldbid=3, permsid="i_icon_id") ... >>> ts3cmd.channelclientdelperm( ... cid=12, cldbid=3, permsid="b_icon_manage") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["cid"] = cid cparams["cldbid"] = cldbid uparams.append(OrderedDict()) uparams[0]["permid"] = permid uparams[0]["permsid"] = permsid return self._return_proxy("channelclientdelperm", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def channelclientpermlist(self, *, cid, cldbid, permsid=False): """ Usage:: channelclientpermlist cid={channelID} cldbid={clientDBID} [-permsid] Displays a list of permissions defined for a client in a specific channel. Example:: channelclientpermlist cid=12 cldbid=3 cid=12 cldbid=3 permid=4353 permvalue=1 permnegated=0 permskip=0|permid=17276 permvalue=50 permnegated=0 permskip=0|permid=21415 ... error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.channelclientpermlist(cid=12, cldbid=3) ... >>> ts3cmd.channelclientpermlist(cid=12, cldbid=2, permsid=True) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["cid"] = cid cparams["cldbid"] = cldbid if permsid: option.append("permsid") return self._return_proxy("channelclientpermlist", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def channelcreate(self, *, channel_name, **channel_properties): """ Usage:: channelcreate channel_name={channelName} [channel_properties...] Creates a new channel using the given properties and displays its ID. Example:: channelcreate channel_name=My\sChannel channel_topic=My\sTopic cid=16 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.channelcreate( ... channel_name="My Channel", channel_topic="My Topic") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["channel_name"] = channel_name cparams.update(channel_properties) return self._return_proxy("channelcreate", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def channeldelete(self, *, cid, force): """ Usage:: channeldelete cid={channelID} force={1|0} Deletes an existing channel by ID. If force is set to 1, the channel will be deleted even if there are clients within. Example:: channeldelete cid=16 force=1 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.channeldelete(cid=16, force=True) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["cid"] = cid cparams["force"] = force return self._return_proxy("channeldelete", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def channeldelperm(self, *, cid, permsid=None, permid=None): """ Usage:: channeldelperm cid=123 permid={permID}|permsid={permName}... Removes a set of specified permissions from a channel. Multiple permissions can be removed at once. A permission can be specified by permid or permsid. Example:: channeldelperm cid=16 permsid=i_icon_id|permsid=i_client_needed_talk_power error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.channeldelperm(cid=16, permsid="i_icon_id") ... >>> ts3cmd.channeldelperm( ... cid=16, permsid="i_client_needed_talk_power") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["cid"] = cid uparams.append(OrderedDict()) uparams[0]["permid"] = permid uparams[0]["permsid"] = permsid return self._return_proxy("channeldelperm", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def channeledit(self, *, cid, **channel_properties): """ Usage:: channeledit cid={channelID} [channel_properties...] Changes a channels configuration using given properties. Example:: channeledit cid=15 channel_codec_quality=3 channel_description=My\stext error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.channeledit( ... cid=15, ... channel_codec_quality=3, ... channel_description="My text" ... ) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["cid"] = cid cparams.update(channel_properties) return self._return_proxy("channeledit", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def channelfind(self, *, pattern=None): """ Usage:: channelfind [pattern={channelName}] Displays a list of channels matching a given name pattern. Example:: channelfind pattern=default cid=15 channel_name=Default\sChannel error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.channelfind(pattern="default") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["pattern"] = pattern return self._return_proxy("channelfind", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def channelgroupadd(self, *, name, type_=None): """ Usage:: channelgroupadd name={groupName} [type={groupDbType}] Creates a new channel group using a given name and displays its ID. The optional type parameter can be used to create ServerQuery groups and template groups. Example:: channelgroupadd name=Channel\sAdmin cgid=13 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.channelgroupadd(name="Channel Admin") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["name"] = name cparams["type"] = type_ return self._return_proxy("channelgroupadd", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def channelgroupaddperm(self, *, cgid, permvalue, permid=None, permsid=None): """ Usage:: channelgroupaddperm cgid={groupID} permid={permID} permvalue={permValue} channelgroupaddperm cgid={groupID} permsid={permName} permvalue={permValue} Adds a set of specified permissions to a channel group. Multiple permissions can be added by providing the two parameters of each permission. A permission can be specified by permid or permsid. Example:: channelgroupaddperm cgid=78 permsid=b_icon_manage permvalue=1 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.channelgroupaddperm( ... cgid=78, permsid="b_icon_manage", permvalue=1) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["cgid"] = cgid uparams.append(OrderedDict()) uparams[0]["permid"] = permid uparams[0]["permsid"] = permsid uparams[0]["permvalue"] = permvalue return self._return_proxy("channelgroupaddperm", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def channelgroupclientlist(self, *, cid=None, cldbid=None, cgid=None): """ Usage:: channelgroupclientlist [cid={channelID}] [cldbid={clientDBID}] [cgid={groupID}] Displays all the client and/or channel IDs currently assigned to channel groups. All three parameters are optional so you're free to choose the most suitable combination for your requirements. Example:: channelgroupclientlist cid=2 cgid=9 cid=2 cldbid=9 cgid=9|cid=2 cldbid=24 cgid=9|cid=2 cldbid=47 cgid=9 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.channelgroupclientlist(cid=2, cgid=9) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["cid"] = cid cparams["cldbid"] = cldbid cparams["cgid"] = cgid return self._return_proxy("channelgroupclientlist", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def channelgroupcopy(self, *, scgid, tcgid, name, type_): """ Usage:: channelgroupcopy scgid={sourceGroupID} tcgid={targetGroupID} name={groupName} type={groupDbType} Creates a copy of the channel group specified with ssgid. If tsgid is set to 0, the server will create a new group. To overwrite an existing group, simply set tsgid to the ID of a designated target group. If a target group is set, the name parameter will be ignored. The type parameter can be used to create ServerQuery and template groups. Example:: channelgroupcopy scgid=4 tcgid=0 name=My\sGroup\s(Copy) type=1 cgid=13 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.channelgroupcopy( ... scgid=4, tcgid=0, name="My Group (Copy)", type_=1) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["scgid"] = scgid cparams["tcgid"] = tcgid cparams["name"] = name cparams["type"] = type_ return self._return_proxy("channelgroupcopy", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def channelgroupdel(self, *, cgid, force): """ Usage:: channelgroupdel cgid={groupID} force={1|0} Deletes a channel group by ID. If force is set to 1, the channel group will be deleted even if there are clients within. Example:: channelgroupdel cgid=13 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.channelgroupdel(cgid=13, force=True) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["cgid"] = cgid cparams["force"] = force return self._return_proxy("channelgroupdel", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def channelgroupdelperm(self, *, cgid, permid=None, permsid=None): """ Usage:: channelgroupdelperm cgid={groupID} permid={permID}|... channelgroupdelperm cgid={groupID} permsid={permName}|... Removes a set of specified permissions from the channel group. Multiple permissions can be removed at once. A permission can be specified by permid or permsid. Example:: channelgroupdelperm cgid=16 permid=17276|permid=21415 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.channelgroupdelperm( ... cgid=16, permsid="i_ft_needed_file_upload_power") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["cgid"] = cgid uparams.append(OrderedDict()) uparams[0]["permid"] = permid uparams[0]["permsid"] = permsid return self._return_proxy("channelgroupdelperm", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def channelgrouplist(self): """ Usage:: channelgrouplist Displays a list of channel groups available on the selected virtual server. Example:: channelgrouplist cgid=1 name=Channel\sAdmin type=2 iconid=100 savedb=1|cgid=2 ... error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.channelgrouplist() ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() return self._return_proxy("channelgrouplist", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def channelgrouppermlist(self, *, cgid, permsid=False): """ Usage:: channelgrouppermlist cgid={groupID} [-permsid] Displays a list of permissions assigned to the channel group specified with cgid. Example:: channelgrouppermlist cgid=13 permid=8470 permvalue=1 permnegated=0 permskip=0|permid=8475 ... error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.channelgrouppermlist(cgid=13, permsid=False) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["cgid"] = cgid if permsid: options.append("permsid") return self._return_proxy("channelgrouppermlist", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def channelgrouprename(self, *, cgid, name): """ Usage:: channelgrouprename cgid={groupID} name={groupName} Changes the name of a specified channel group. Example:: channelgrouprename cgid=13 name=New\sName error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.channelgrouprename(cgid=13, name="New name") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["cgid"] = cgid cparams["name"] = name return self._return_proxy("channelgrouprename", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def channelinfo(self, *, cid): """ Usage:: channelinfo cid={channelID} Displays detailed configuration information about a channel including ID, topic, description, etc. Example:: channelinfo cid=1 channel_name=Default\sChannel channel_topic=No\s[b]topic[\/b]\shere channel_description=Welcome ... error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.channelinfo(cid=1) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["cid"] = cid return self._return_proxy("channelinfo", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def channellist(self, *, topic=False, flags=False, voice=False, limits=False, icon=False, secondsempty=False): """ Usage:: channellist [-topic] [-flags] [-voice] [-limits] [-icon] [-secondsempty] Displays a list of channels created on a virtual server including their ID, order, name, etc. The output can be modified using several command options. Example:: channellist -topic cid=15 pid=0 channel_order=0 channel_name=Default\sChannel channel_topic=No\s[b]topic[\/b] total_clients=2|cid=16 ... error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.channellist(topic=True) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() if topic: options.append("topic") if flags: options.append("flags") if voice: options.append("voice") if limits: options.append("limits") if icon: options.append("icon") if secondsempty: options.append("secondsempty") return self._return_proxy("channellist", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def channelmove(self, *, cid, cpid, order=None): """ Usage:: channelmove cid={channelID} cpid={channelParentID} [order={channelSortOrder}] Moves a channel to a new parent channel with the ID cpid. If order is specified, the channel will be sorted right under the channel with the specified ID. If order is set to 0, the channel will be sorted right below the new parent. Example:: channelmove cid=16 cpid=1 order=0 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.channelmove(cid=16, cpid=1, order=0) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["cid"] = cid cparams["cpid"] = cpid cparams["order"] = order return self._return_proxy("channelmove", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def channelpermlist(self, *, cid, permsid=False): """ Usage:: channelpermlist cid={channelID} [-permsid] Displays a list of permissions defined for a channel. Example:: channelpermlist cid=2 cid=2 permid=4353 permvalue=1 permnegated=0 permskip=0|permid=17276... error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.channelpermlist(cid=2) ... >>> ts3cmd.channelpermlist(cid=2, permsid=True) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["cid"] = cid if permsid: options.append("permsid") return self._return_proxy("channelpermlist", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def clientaddperm(self, *, cldbid, permvalue, permskip, permid=None, permsid=None): """ Usage:: clientaddperm cldbid={clientDBID} permid={permID} permvalue={permValue} permskip={1|0}|... clientaddperm cldbid={clientDBID} permsid={permName} permvalue={permValue} permskip={1|0}|... Adds a set of specified permissions to a client. Multiple permissions can be added by providing the three parameters of each permission. A permission can be specified by permid or permsid. Example:: clientaddperm cldbid=16 permsid=i_client_talk_power permvalue=5 permskip=1 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.clientaddperm( ... cldbid=16, permsid="i_client_talk_power", permvalue=5, ... permskip=True) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["cldbid"] = cldbid uparams.append(OrderedDict()) uparams[0]["permid"] = permid uparams[0]["permsid"] = permsid uparams[0]["permvalue"] = permvalue uparams[0]["permskip"] = permskip return self._return_proxy("clientaddperm", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def clientdbdelete(self, *, cldbid): """ Usage:: clientdbdelete cldbid={clientDBID} Deletes a clients properties from the database. Example:: clientdbdelete cldbid=56 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.clientdbdelete(cldbid=56) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["cldbid"] = cldbid return self._return_proxy("clientdbdelete", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def clientdbedit(self, *, cldbid, **client_properties): """ Usage:: clientdbedit cldbid={clientDBID} [client_properties...] Changes a clients settings using given properties. Example:: clientdbedit cldbid=56 client_description=Best\sguy\sever! error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.clientdbedit( ... cldbid=56, client_description="Best guy ever!") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["cldbid"] = cldbid cparams.update(client_properties) return self._return_proxy("clientdbedit", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def clientdbfind(self, *, pattern, uid=False): """ Usage:: clientdbfind pattern={clientName|clientUID} [-uid] Displays a list of client database IDs matching a given pattern. You can either search for a clients last known nickname or his unique identity by using the -uid option. Example:: clientdbfind pattern=sven cldbid=56 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.clientdbfind("sven") ... >>> ts3cmd.clientdbfind("sven", uid=True) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["pattern"] = pattern if uid: options.append("uid") return self._return_proxy("clientdbfind", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def clientdbinfo(self, *, cldbid): """ Usage:: clientdbinfo cldbid={clientDBID} Displays detailed database information about a client including unique ID, creation date, etc. Example:: clientdbinfo cldbid=2 client_unique_identifier=5rRxyxEjd+Kk/MvPRfqZdSI0teA= client_nickname=dante696 client_database_id=2 client_created=1279002103 ... error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.clientdbinfo(cldbid=2) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["cldbid"] = cldbid return self._return_proxy("clientdbinfo", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def clientdblist(self, *, start=None, duration=None, count=False): """ Usage:: clientdblist [start={offset}] [duration={limit}] [-count] Displays a list of client identities known by the server including their database ID, last nickname, etc. Example:: clientdblist cldbid=7 client_unique_identifier=DZhdQU58qyooEK4Fr8Ly738hEmc= client_nickname=MuhChy client_created=1259147468 ... error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.clientdblist() ... >>> ts3cmd.clientdblist(count=True) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["start"] = start cparams["duration"] = duration if count: options.append("count") return self._return_proxy("clientdblist", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def clientdelperm(self, *, cldbid, permid=None, permsid=None): """ Usage:: channeldelperm cldbid={clientDBID} permid={permID}|permsid={permName}... Removes a set of specified permissions from a client. Multiple permissions can be removed at once. A permission can be specified by permid or permsid. Example:: clientdelperm cldbid=16 permsid=i_icon_id|permsid=b_icon_manage error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.clientdelperm(cldbid=16, permsid="i_icon_id") ... >>> ts3cmd.clientdelperm(cldbid=16, permsid="b_icon_manage") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["cldbid"] = cldbid uparams.append(OrderedDict()) uparams[0]["permid"] = permid uparams[0]["permsid"] = permsid return self._return_proxy("clientdelperm", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def clientedit(self, *, clid, **client_properties): """ Usage:: clientedit clid={clientID} [client_properties...] Changes a clients settings using given properties. Example:: clientedit clid=10 client_description=Best\sguy\sever! error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.clientedit(clid=10, client_description="Best guy ever!") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["clid"] = clid cparams.update(client_properties) return self._return_proxy("clientedit", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def clientfind(self, *, pattern): """ Usage:: clientfind pattern={clientName} Displays a list of clients matching a given name pattern. Example:: clientfind pattern=sven clid=7 client_nickname=Sven error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.clientfind(pattern="sven") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["pattern"] = pattern return self._return_proxy("clientfind", cparams, uparams, options)
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[docs] def clientgetdbidfromuid(self, *, cluid): """ Usage:: clientgetdbidfromuid cluid={clientUID} Displays the database ID matching the unique identifier specified by cluid. Example:: clientgetdbidfromuid cluid=dyjxkshZP6bz0n3bnwFQ1CkwZOM= cluid=dyjxkshZP6bz0n3bnwFQ1CkwZOM= cldbid=32 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.clientgetdbidfromuid(cluid="dyjxkshZP6bz0n3bnwFQ1CkwZOM") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["cluid"] = cluid return self._return_proxy("clientgetdbidfromuid", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def clientgetids(self, *, cluid): """ Usage:: clientgetids cluid={clientUID} Displays all client IDs matching the unique identifier specified by cluid. Example:: clientgetids cluid=dyjxkshZP6bz0n3bnwFQ1CkwZOM= cluid=dyjxkshZP6bz0n3bnwFQ1CkwZOM= clid=1 name=Janko error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.clientgetids(cluid="dyjxkshZP6bz0n3bnwFQ1CkwZOM") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["cluid"] = cluid return self._return_proxy("clientgetids", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def clientgetnamefromdbid(self, *, cldbid): """ Usage:: clientgetnamefromdbid cldbid={clientDBID} Displays the unique identifier and nickname matching the database ID specified by cldbid. Example:: clientgetnamefromdbid cldbid=32 cluid=dyjxkshZP6bz0n3bnwFQ1CkwZOM= cldbid=32 name=Janko error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.clientgetnamefromdbid(cldbid=32) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["cldbid"] = cldbid return self._return_proxy("clientgetnamefromdbid", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def clientgetnamefromuid(self, *, cluid): """ Usage:: clientgetnamefromuid cluid={clientUID} Displays the database ID and nickname matching the unique identifier specified by cluid. Example:: clientgetnamefromuid cluid=dyjxkshZP6bz0n3bnwFQ1CkwZOM= cluid=dyjxkshZP6bz0n3bnwFQ1CkwZOM= cldbid=32 name=Janko error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.clientgetnamefromuid( ... cluid="dyjxkshZP6bz0n3bnwFQ1CkwZOM") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["cluid"] = cluid return self._return_proxy("clientgetnamefromuid", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def clientgetuidfromclid(self, *, clid): """ Usage:: clientgetuidfromclid clid={clientID} Displays the unique identifier matching the clientID specified by clid. Example:: clientgetuidfromclid clid=8 clid=8 cluid=yXM6PUfbCcPU+joxIFek1xOQwwQ= nickname=MuhChy1 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.clientgetuidfromclid(clid=8) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["clid"] = clid return self._return_proxy("clientgetuidfromclid", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def clientinfo(self, *, clid): """ Usage:: clientinfo clid={clientID} Displays detailed configuration information about a client including unique ID, nickname, client version, etc. Example:: clientinfo clid=6 client_unique_identifier=P5H2hrN6+gpQI4n\/dXp3p17vtY0= client_nickname=Rabe client_version=3.0.0-alpha24\s[Build:\s8785]... error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.clientinfo(clid=6) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["clid"] = clid return self._return_proxy("clientinfo", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def clientkick(self, *, clid, reasonid, reasonmsg=None): """ Usage:: clientkick reasonid={4|5} [reasonmsg={text}] clid={clientID}... Kicks one or more clients specified with clid from their currently joined channel or from the server, depending on reasonid. The reasonmsg parameter specifies a text message sent to the kicked clients. This parameter is optional and may only have a maximum of 40 characters. Available reasonid values are: * 4: Kick the client from his current channel into the default channel * 5: Kick the client from the server Example:: clientkick reasonid=4 reasonmsg=Go\saway! clid=5|clid=6 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.clientkick(reasonid=4, reasonmsg="Go away!", clid=5) ... >>> ts3cmd.clientkick(reasonid=4, reasonmsg="Go away!", clid=6) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["reasonid"] = reasonid cparams["reasonmsg"] = reasonmsg uparams.append(OrderedDict()) uparams[0]["clid"] = clid return self._return_proxy("clientkick", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def clientlist(self, *, uid=False, away=False, voice=False, times=False, groups=False, info=False, country=False, ip=False): """ Usage:: clientlist [-uid] [-away] [-voice] [-times] [-groups] [-info] [-country] [-ip] Displays a list of clients online on a virtual server including their ID, nickname, status flags, etc. The output can be modified using several command options. Please note that the output will only contain clients which are currently in channels you're able to subscribe to. Example:: clientlist -away clid=5 cid=7 client_database_id=40 client_nickname=ScP client_type=0 client_away=1 client_away_message=not\shere|clid=6... error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.clientlist(away=True) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() if uid: options.append("uid") if away: options.append("away") if voice: options.append("voice") if times: options.append("times") if groups: options.append("groups") if info: options.append("info") if country: options.append("country") if ip: options.append("ip") return self._return_proxy("clientlist", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def clientmove(self, *, clid, cid, cpw=None): """ Usage:: clientmove cid={channelID} [cpw={channelPassword}] clid={clientID}... Moves one or more clients specified with clid to the channel with ID cid. If the target channel has a password, it needs to be specified with cpw. If the channel has no password, the parameter can be omitted. Example:: clientmove cid=3 clid=5|clid=6 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.clientmove(cid=3, clid=5) ... >>> ts3cmd.clientmove(cid=3, clid=6) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["cid"] = cid cparams["cpw"] = cpw uparams.append(OrderedDict()) uparams[0]["clid"] = clid return self._return_proxy("clientmove", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def clientpermlist(self, *, cldbid, permsid=False): """ Usage:: clientpermlist cldbid={clientDBID} [-permsid] Displays a list of permissions defined for a client. Example:: clientpermlist cldbid=2 cldbid=2 permid=4353 permvalue=1 permnegated=0 permskip=0|permid=17276... error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3example.clientpermlist(cldbid=2) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["cldbid"] = cldbid if permsid: options.append("permsid") return self._return_proxy("clientpermlist", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def clientpoke(self, *, msg, clid): """ Usage:: clientpoke msg={txt} clid={clientID} Sends a poke message to the client specified with clid. Example:: clientpoke msg=Wake\sup! clid=5 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.clientpoke(msg="Wake up", clid=5) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["msg"] = msg cparams["clid"] = clid return self._return_proxy("clientpoke", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def clientsetserverquerylogin(self, *, client_login_name): """ Usage:: clientsetserverquerylogin client_login_name={username} Updates your own ServerQuery login credentials using a specified username. The password will be auto-generated. Example:: clientsetserverquerylogin client_login_name=admin client_login_password=+r\/TQqvR error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.clientsetserverquerylogin(client_login_name="admin") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["client_login_name"] = client_login_name return self._return_proxy("clientsetserverquerylogin", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def clientupdate(self, **client_properties): """ Usage:: clientupdate [client_properties...] Change your ServerQuery clients settings using given properties. Example:: clientupdate client_nickname=ScP\s(query) error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.clientupdate(client_nickname="ScP (query)") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams.update(client_properties) return self._return_proxy("clientupdate", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def complainadd(self, *, tcldbid, message): """ Usage:: complainadd tcldbid={targetClientDBID} message={text} Submits a complaint about the client with database ID tcldbid to the server. Example:: complainadd tcldbid=3 message=Bad\sguy! error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.complainadd(tcldbid=3, message="Bad guy!") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["tcldbid"] = tcldbid cparams["message"] = message return self._return_proxy("complainadd", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def complaindel(self, *, tcldbid, fcldbid): """ Usage:: complaindel tcldbid={targetClientDBID} fcldbid={fromClientDBID} Deletes the complaint about the client with database ID tcldbid submitted by the client with database ID fcldbid from the server. Example:: complaindel tcldbid=3 fcldbid=4 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.complaindel(tcldbid=3, fcldbid=4) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["tcldbid"] = tcldbid cparams["fcldbid"] = fcldbid return self._return_proxy("complaindel", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def complaindelall(self, *, tcldbid): """ Usage:: complaindelall tcldbid={targetClientDBID} Deletes all complaints about the client with database ID tcldbid from the server. Example:: complaindelall tcldbid=3 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.complaindelall(tcldbid=3) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["tcldbid"] = tcldbid return self._return_proxy("complaindelall", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def complainlist(self, *, tcldbid=None): """ Usage:: complainlist [tcldbid={targetClientDBID}] Displays a list of complaints on the selected virtual server. If tcldbid is specified, only complaints about the targeted client will be shown. Example:: complainlist tcldbid=3 tcldbid=3 tname=Julian fcldbid=56 fname=Sven message=Bad\sguy!... error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3.complainlist(tcldbid=3) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["tcldbid"] = tcldbid return self._return_proxy("complainlist", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def custominfo(self, *, cldbid): """ Usage:: custominfo cldbid={clientDBID} Displays a list of custom properties for the client specified with cldbid. Example:: custominfo cldbid=3 cldbid=3 ident=forum_account value=ScP|ident=forum_id value=123 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.custominfo(cldbid=3) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["cldbid"] = cldbid return self._return_proxy("custominfo", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def customsearch(self, *, ident, pattern): """ Usage:: customsearch ident={ident} pattern={pattern} Searches for custom client properties specified by ident and value. The value parameter can include regular characters and SQL wildcard characters (e.g. %). Example:: customsearch ident=forum_account pattern=%ScP% cldbid=2 ident=forum_account value=ScP error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.customsearch(ident="forum_account", pattern="%ScP") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["ident"] = ident cparams["pattern"] = pattern return self._return_proxy("customsearch", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def ftcreatedir(self, *, cid, dirname, cpw=None): """ Usage:: ftcreatedir cid={channelID} cpw={channelPassword} dirname={dirPath} Creates new directory in a channels file repository. Example:: ftcreatedir cid=2 cpw= dirname=\/My\sDirectory error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.ftcreatedir(cid=2, dirname="/My Directory") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["cid"] = cid cparams["cpw"] = cpw if cpw is not None else "" cparams["dirname"] = dirname return self._return_proxy("ftcreatedir", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def ftdeletefile(self, *, cid, name, cpw=None): """ Usage:: ftdeletefile cid={channelID} cpw={channelPassword} name={filePath}... Deletes one or more files stored in a channels file repository. Example:: ftdeletefile cid=2 cpw= name=\/Pic1.PNG|name=\/Pic2.PNG error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.ftdeletefile(cid=2, name="/Pic1.PNG") ... >>> ts3cmd.ftdeletefile(cid=2, name="/Pic2.PNG") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["cid"] = cid cparams["cpw"] = cpw if cpw is not None else str() uparams.append(OrderedDict()) uparams[0]["name"] = name return self._return_proxy("ftdeletefile", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def ftgetfileinfo(self, *, name, cid, cpw=None): """ Usage:: ftgetfileinfo cid={channelID} cpw={channelPassword} name={filePath}... Displays detailed information about one or more specified files stored in a channels file repository. Example:: ftgetfileinfo cid=2 cpw= name=\/Pic1.PNG|cid=2 cpw= name=\/Pic2.PNG cid=2 path=\/ name=Stuff size=0 datetime=1259415210 type=0|name=Pic1.PNG size=563783 datetime=1259425462 type=1|name=Pic2.PNG... error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.ftgetfileinfo(cid=2, name="/Pic1.PNG") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() uparams.append(OrderedDict()) uparams[0]["cid"] = cid uparams[0]["cpw"] = cpw if cpw is not None else str() uparams[0]["name"] = name return self._return_proxy("ftgetfileinfo", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def ftgetfilelist(self, *, path, cid, cpw=None): """ Usage:: ftgetfilelist cid={channelID} cpw={channelPassword} path={filePath} Displays a list of files and directories stored in the specified channels file repository. Example:: ftgetfilelist cid=2 cpw= path=\/ cid=2 path=\/ name=Stuff size=0 datetime=1259415210 type=0|name=Pic1.PNG size=563783 datetime=1259425462 type=1|name=Pic2.PNG... error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.ftgetfilelist(cid=2, path="/") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["cid"] = cid cparams["cpw"] = cpw if cpw is not None else str() cparams["path"] = path return self._return_proxy("ftgetfilelist", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def ftinitdownload(self, *, clientftfid, name, seekpos, cid, cpw=None): """ Usage:: ftinitdownload clientftfid={clientFileTransferID} name={filePath} cid={channelID} cpw={channelPassword} seekpos={seekPosition} Initializes a file transfer download. clientftfid is an arbitrary ID to identify the file transfer on client-side. On success, the server generates a new ftkey which is required to start downloading the file through TeamSpeak 3's file transfer interface. Example:: ftinitdownload clientftfid=1 name=\/image.iso cid=5 cpw= seekpos=0 clientftfid=1 serverftfid=7 ftkey=NrOga\/4d2GpYC5oKgxuclTO37X83ca\/1 port=... error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.ftinitdownload( ... clientftfid=1, name="/image.iso", cid=5, seekpos=0) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["clientftfid"] = clientftfid cparams["name"] = name cparams["cid"] = cid cparams["cpw"] = cpw if cpw is not None else str() cparams["seekpos"] = seekpos return self._return_proxy("ftinitdownload", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def ftinitupload(self, *, clientftfid, name, cid, size, overwrite, resume, cpw=None): """ Usage:: ftinitupload clientftfid={clientFileTransferID} name={filePath} cid={channelID} cpw={channelPassword} size={fileSize} overwrite={1|0} resume={1|0} Initializes a file transfer upload. clientftfid is an arbitrary ID to identify the file transfer on client-side. On success, the server generates a new ftkey which is required to start uploading the file through TeamSpeak 3's file transfer interface. Example:: ftinitupload clientftfid=1 name=\/image.iso cid=5 cpw= size=673460224 overwrite=1 resume=0 clientftfid=1 serverftfid=6 ftkey=itRNdsIOvcBiBg\/Xj4Ge51ZSrsShHuid port=... error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.ftinitupload( ... clientftfid=1, name="/image.iso", cid=5, size=673460224, ... overwrite=1, resume=0) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["clientftfid"] = clientftfid cparams["name"] = name cparams["cid"] = cid cparams["cpw"] = cpw if cpw is not None else str() cparams["size"] = size cparams["overwrite"] = overwrite cparams["resume"] = resume return self._return_proxy("ftinitupload", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def ftlist(self): """ Usage:: ftlist Displays a list of running file transfers on the selected virtual server. The output contains the path to which a file is uploaded to, the current transfer rate in bytes per second, etc. Example:: ftlist clid=2 path=files\/virtualserver_1\/channel_5 name=image.iso size=673460224 sizedone=450756 clientftfid=2 serverftfid=6 sender=0 status=1 ... error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.ftlist() ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() return self._return_proxy("ftlist", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def ftrenamefile(self, *, cid, oldname, newname, cpw=None, tcid=None, tcpw=None): """ Usage:: ftrenamefile cid={channelID} cpw={channelPassword} [tcid={targetChannelID}] [tcpw={targetChannelPassword}] oldname={oldFilePath} newname={newFilePath} Renames a file in a channels file repository. If the two parameters tcid and tcpw are specified, the file will be moved into another channels file repository. Example:: ftrenamefile cid=2 cpw= tcid=3 tcpw= oldname=\/Pic3.PNG newname=\/Pic3.PNG error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.ftrenamefile( ... cid=2, tcid=3, oldname="/Pic3.PNG", newname="/Pic3.PNG") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["cid"] = cid cparams["cpw"] = cpw if cpw is not None else str() cparams["tcid"] = tcid cparams["tcpw"] = tcpw cparams["oldname"] = oldname cparams["newname"] = newname return self._return_proxy("ftrenamefile", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def ftstop(self, *, serverftfid, delete): """ Usage:: ftstop serverftfid={serverFileTransferID} delete={1|0} Stops the running file transfer with server-side ID serverftfid. Example:: ftstop serverftfid=2 delete=1 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.ftstop(serverftfid=2, delete=1) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["serverftfid"] = serverftfid cparams["delete"] = delete return self._return_proxy("ftstop", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def gm(self, *, msg): """ Usage:: gm msg={text} Sends a text message to all clients on all virtual servers in the TeamSpeak 3 Server instance. Example:: gm msg=Hello\sWorld! error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>>"Hello World") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["msg"] = msg return self._return_proxy("gm", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def help(self, *, cmd=None): """ TeamSpeak 3 Server :: ServerQuery (c) TeamSpeak Systems GmbH ServerQuery is a command-line interface built into the TeamSpeak 3 Server which allows powerful scripting and automation tools to be built based on the exact same instruction set and functionality provided by the TeamSpeak 3 Client. For example, you can use scripts to automate the management of virtual servers or nightly backups. In short, you can perform operations more efficiently by using ServerQuery scripts than you can by using a user interface. Command Overview:: help | read help files login | authenticate with the server logout | deselect virtual server and log out quit | close connection use | select virtual server banadd | create a ban rule banclient | ban a client bandelall | delete all ban rules bandel | delete a ban rule banlist | list ban rules on a virtual server bindinglist | list IP addresses used by the server instance channeladdperm | assign permission to channel channelclientaddperm | assign permission to channel-client combi channelclientdelperm | remove permission from channel-client combi channelclientpermlist | list channel-client specific permissions channelcreate | create a channel channeldelete | delete a channel channeldelperm | remove permission from channel channeledit | change channel properties channelfind | find channel by name channelgroupadd | create a channel group channelgroupaddperm | assign permission to channel group channelgroupclientlist | find channel groups by client ID channelgroupcopy | copy a channel group channelgroupdel | delete a channel group channelgroupdelperm | remove permission from channel group channelgrouplist | list channel groups channelgrouppermlist | list channel group permissions channelgrouprename | rename a channel group channelinfo | display channel properties channellist | list channels on a virtual server channelmove | move channel to new parent channelpermlist | list channel specific permissions clientaddperm | assign permission to client clientdbdelete | delete client database properties clientdbedit | change client database properties clientdbfind | find client database ID by nickname or UID clientdbinfo | display client database properties clientdblist | list known client UIDs clientdelperm | remove permission from client clientedit | change client properties clientfind | find client by nickname clientgetdbidfromuid | find client database ID by UID clientgetids | find client IDs by UID clientgetnamefromdbid | find client nickname by database ID clientgetnamefromuid | find client nickname by UID clientgetuidfromclid | find client UID by client ID clientinfo | display client properties clientkick | kick a client clientlist | list clients online on a virtual server clientmove | move a client clientpermlist | list client specific permissions clientpoke | poke a client clientsetserverquerylogin | set own login credentials clientupdate | set own properties complainadd | create a client complaint complaindelall | delete all client complaints complaindel | delete a client complaint complainlist | list client complaints on a virtual server custominfo | display custom client properties customsearch | search for custom client properties ftcreatedir | create a directory ftdeletefile | delete a file ftgetfileinfo | display details about a file ftgetfilelist | list files stored in a channel filebase ftinitdownload | init a file download ftinitupload | init a file upload ftlist | list active file transfers ftrenamefile | rename a file ftstop | stop a file transfer gm | send global text message hostinfo | display server instance connection info instanceedit | change server instance properties instanceinfo | display server instance properties logadd | add custom entry to log logview | list recent log entries messageadd | send an offline message messagedel | delete an offline message from your inbox messageget | display an offline message from your inbox messagelist | list offline messages from your inbox messageupdateflag | mark an offline message as read permfind | find permission assignments by ID permget | display client permission value for yourself permidgetbyname | find permission ID by name permissionlist | list permissions available permoverview | display client permission overview permreset | delete all server and channel groups and restore default permissions privilegekeyadd | creates a new privilege key privilegekeydelete | delete an existing privilege key privilegekeylist | list all existing privilege keys on this server privilegekeyuse | use a privilege key sendtextmessage | send text message servercreate | create a virtual server serverdelete | delete a virtual server serveredit | change virtual server properties servergroupaddclient | add client to server group servergroupadd | create a server group servergroupaddperm | assign permissions to server group servergroupautoaddperm | globally assign permissions to server groups servergroupbyclientid | get all server groups of specified client servergroupclientlist | list clients in a server group servergroupcopy | create a copy of an existing server group servergroupdelclient | remove client from server group servergroupdel | delete a server group servergroupdelperm | remove permissions from server group servergroupautodelperm | globally remove permissions from server group servergrouplist | list server groups servergrouppermlist | list server group permissions servergrouprename | rename a server group servergroupsbyclientid | find server groups by client ID serveridgetbyport | find database ID by virtual server port serverinfo | display virtual server properties serverlist | list virtual servers servernotifyregister | register for event notifications servernotifyunregister | unregister from event notifications serverprocessstop | shutdown server process serverrequestconnectioninfo | display virtual server connection info serversnapshotcreate | create snapshot of a virtual server serversnapshotdeploy | deploy snapshot of a virtual server serverstart | start a virtual server servertemppasswordadd | create a new temporary server password servertemppassworddel | delete an existing temporary server password servertemppasswordlist | list all existing temporary server passwords serverstop | stop a virtual server setclientchannelgroup | set a clients channel group tokenadd | create a privilege key (token) tokendelete | delete a privilege key (token) tokenlist | list privilege keys (tokens) available tokenuse | use a privilege key (token) version | display version information whoami | display current session info Example:: >>> ... >>>"whoami") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams[""] = cmd return self._return_proxy("help", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def hostinfo(self): """ Usage:: hostinfo Displays detailed configuration information about the server instance including uptime, number of virtual servers online, traffic information, etc. Example:: hostinfo virtualservers_running_total=3 virtualservers_total_maxclients=384 ... error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.hostinfo() ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() return self._return_proxy("hostinfo", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def instanceedit(self, **instance_properties): """ Usage:: instanceedit [instance_properties...] Changes the server instance configuration using given properties. Example:: instanceedit serverinstance_filetransfer_port=1337 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.instanceedit(serverinstance_filetransfer_port=1337) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams.update(instance_properties) return self._return_proxy("instanceedit", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def instanceinfo(self): """ Usage:: instanceinfo Displays the server instance configuration including database revision number, the file transfer port, default group IDs, etc. Example:: instanceinfo serverinstance_database_version=12 serverinstance_filetransfer_port=30033 serverinstance_template_guest_serverquery_group=1... error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.instanceinfo() ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() return self._return_proxy("instanceinfo", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def logadd(self, *, loglevel, logmsg): """ Usage:: logadd loglevel={1-4} logmsg={text} Writes a custom entry into the servers log. Depending on your permissions, you'll be able to add entries into the server instance log and/or your virtual servers log. The loglevel parameter specifies the type of the entry. Example:: logadd loglevel=4 logmsg=Informational\smessage! error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.logadd(loglevel=4, logmsg="Informational message!") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["loglevel"] = loglevel cparams["logmsg"] = logmsg return self._return_proxy("logadd", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def login(self, *, client_login_name, client_login_password): """ Usage: login client_login_name={username} client_login_password={password} login {username} {password} Authenticates with the TeamSpeak 3 Server instance using given ServerQuery login credentials. Example:: login client_login_name=xyz client_login_password=xyz error id=0 msg=ok login xyz xyz error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.login( ... client_login_name="xyz", client_login_password="xyz") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["client_login_name"] = client_login_name cparams["client_login_password"] = client_login_password return self._return_proxy("login", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def logout(self): """ Usage:: logout Deselects the active virtual server and logs out from the server instance. Example:: logout error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.logout() ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() return self._return_proxy("logout", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def logview(self, *, lines=None, reverse=None, instance=None, begin_pos=None): """ Usage:: logview [lines={1-100}] [reverse={1|0}] [instance={1|0}] [begin_pos={n}] Displays a specified number of entries from the servers logfile. If instance is set to 1, the server will return lines from the master logfile (ts3server_0) instead of the selected virtual server logfile. Example:: logview last_pos=403788 file_size=411980 l=\p\slistening\son\s0.0.0.0:9987 ... error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.logview() ... >>> ts3cmd.logview(lines=100, begin_pos=10) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["lines"] = lines cparams["reverse"] = reverse cparams["instance"] = instance cparams["begin_pos"] = begin_pos return self._return_proxy("logview", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def messageadd(self, *, cluid, subject, message): """ Usage:: messageadd cluid={clientUID} subject={subject} message={text} Sends an offline message to the client specified by cluid. Example:: messageadd cluid=oHhi9WzXLNEFQOwAu4JYKGU+C+c= subject=Hi! message=Hello?!? error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.messageadd( ... cluid="oHhi9WzXLNEFQOwAu4JYKGU+C+c=", subject="Hi!", ... message="Hello?!?") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["cluid"] = cluid cparams["subject"] = subject cparams["message"] = message return self._return_proxy("messageadd", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def messagedel(self, *, msgid): """ Usage:: messagedel msgid={messageID} Deletes an existing offline message with ID msgid from your inbox. Example:: messagedel msgid=4 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.messagedel(msgid=4) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["msgid"] = msgid return self._return_proxy("messagedel", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def messageget(self, *, msgid): """ Usage:: messageget msgid={messageID} Displays an existing offline message with ID msgid from your inbox. Please note that this does not automatically set the flag_read property of the message. Example:: messageget msgid=4 msgid=4 cluid=xwEzb5ENOaglVHu9oelK++reUyE= subject=Hi! message=Hello?!? error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.messageget(msgid=4) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["msgid"] = msgid return self._return_proxy("messageget", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def messagelist(self): """ Usage:: messagelist Displays a list of offline messages you've received. The output contains the senders unique identifier, the messages subject, etc. Example:: messagelist msgid=4 cluid=xwEzb5ENOaglVHu9oelK++reUyE= subject=Test flag_read=0... error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.messagelist() ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() return self._return_proxy("messagelist", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def messageupdateflag(self, *, msgid, flag): """ Usage:: messageupdateflag msgid={messageID} flag={1|0} Updates the flag_read property of the offline message specified with msgid. If flag is set to 1, the message will be marked as read. Example:: messageupdateflag msgid=4 flag=1 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.messageupdateflag(msgid=4, flag=1) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["msgid"] = msgid cparams["flag"] = flag return self._return_proxy("messageupdateflag", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def permfind(self, *, permid): """ Usage:: permfind permid={permID} Displays detailed information about all assignments of the permission specified with permid. The output is similar to permoverview which includes the type and the ID of the client, channel or group associated with the permission. Example:: permfind permid=4353 t=0 id1=1 id2=0 p=4353|t=0 id1=2 id2=0 p=4353 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.permfind(permid=4353) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["permid"] = permid return self._return_proxy("permfind", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def permget(self, *, permid=None, permsid=None): """ Usage:: permget permid={permID} permget permsid={permName} Displays the current value of the permission specified with permid or permsid for your own connection. This can be useful when you need to check your own privileges. Example:: permget permid=21174 permsid=i_client_move_power permid=21174 permvalue=100 error id=0 msg=ok permget permsid=i_client_move_power permsid=i_client_move_power permid=21174 permvalue=100 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.permget(permid=21174) ... >>> ts3cmd.permget(permsid="i_client_move_power") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["permid"] = permid cparams["permsid"] = permsid return self._return_proxy("permget", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def permidgetbyname(self, *, permsid=None): """ Usage:: permidgetbyname permsid={permName}|permsid={permName}|... Displays the database ID of one or more permissions specified by permsid. Example:: permidgetbyname permsid=b_serverinstance_help_view permsid=b_serverinstance_help_view permid=4353 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.permidgetbyname(permsid="b_serverinstance_help_view") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() uparams.append(OrderedDict()) uparams[0]["permsid"] = permsid return self._return_proxy("permidgetbyname", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def permissionlist(self): """ Usage:: permissionlist Displays a list of permissions available on the server instance including ID, name and description. Example:: permissionlist permid=21413 permname=b_client_channel_textmessage_send permdesc=Send\ste... error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.permissionlist() ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() return self._return_proxy("permissionlist", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def permoverview(self, *, cid, cldbid, permid): """ Usage:: permoverview cid={channelID} cldbid={clientDBID} permid={permID} Displays all permissions assigned to a client for the channel specified with cid. If permid is set to 0, all permissions will be displayed. The output follows the following format: t={permType} id1={id1} id2={id2} p={permID} v={permValue} n={permNegated} s={permSkip}|t={permType} id1={id1} id2={id2} p={permID} v={permValue} n={permNegated} s={permSkip}|... The possible values for t, id1 and id2 are: 0: Server Group; => id1={serverGroupID}, id2=0 1: Global Client; => id1={clientDBID}, id2=0 2: Channel; => id1={channelID}, id2=0 3: Channel Group; => id1={channelID}, id2={channelGroupID} 4: Channel Client; => id1={channelID}, id2={clientDBID} Example:: permoverview cldbid=57 cid=74 permid=0 t=0 id1=5 id2=0 p=37 v=1 n=0 s=0|t=0 id1=5 id2=0 p=38 v=1 n=0 s=0|... error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.permoverview(cldbid=57, cid=74, permid=0) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["cid"] = cid cparams["cldbid"] = cldbid cparams["permid"] = permid return self._return_proxy("permoverview", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def permreset(self): """ Usage:: permreset Restores the default permission settings on the selected virtual server and creates a new initial administrator token. Please note that in case of an error during the permreset call - e.g. when the database has been modified or corrupted - the virtual server will be deleted from the database. Example:: permreset token=MqQbPLLm6jLC+x8j31jUL7GkME1UY0GaDYK+XG5e error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.permreset() ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() return self._return_proxy("permreset", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def privilegekeyadd(self, *, tokentype, tokenid1, tokenid2, tokendescription=None, tokencustomset=None): """ Usage:: privilegekeyadd tokentype={1|0} tokenid1={groupID} tokenid2={channelID} [tokendescription={description}] [tokencustomset={customFieldSet}] Create a new token. If tokentype is set to 0, the ID specified with tokenid1 will be a server group ID. Otherwise, tokenid1 is used as a channel group ID and you need to provide a valid channel ID using tokenid2. The tokencustomset parameter allows you to specify a set of custom client properties. This feature can be used when generating tokens to combine a website account database with a TeamSpeak user. The syntax of the value needs to be escaped using the ServerQuery escape patterns and has to follow the general syntax of: ident=ident1 value=value1|ident=ident2 value=value2|ident=ident3 value=value3 Example:: privilegekeyadd tokentype=0 tokenid1=6 tokenid2=0 tokendescription=Test tokencustomset=ident=forum_user\svalue=dante\pident=forum_id\svalue=123 token=1ayoQOxG8r5Re78zgChvLYBWWaFWCoty0Uh+pUFk error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.privilegekeyadd( ... tokentype=0, tokenid1=6, tokenid2=0, ... tokendescription="Test", ... tokencustomset="ident=forum_user\svalue=dante\pident=forum_id\svalue=123" ... ) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["tokentype"] = tokentype cparams["tokenid1"] = tokenid1 cparams["tokenid2"] = tokenid2 cparams["tokendescription"] = tokendescription cparams["tokencustomset"] = tokencustomset return self._return_proxy("privilegekeyadd", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def privilegekeydelete(self, *, token): """ Usage:: privilegekeydelete token={tokenKey} Deletes an existing token matching the token key specified with token. Example:: privilegekeydelete token=eKnFZQ9EK7G7MhtuQB6+N2B1PNZZ6OZL3ycDp2OW error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.privilegekeydelete( ... token="eKnFZQ9EK7G7MhtuQB6+N2B1PNZZ6OZL3ycDp2OW") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["token"] = token return self._return_proxy("privilegekeydelete", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def privilegekeylist(self): """ Usage:: privilegekeylist Displays a list of tokens available including their type and group IDs. Tokens can be used to gain access to specified server or channel groups. A token is similar to a client with administrator privileges that adds you to a certain permission group, but without the necessity of a such a client with administrator privileges to actually exist. It is a long (random looking) string that can be used as a ticket into a specific server group. Example:: privilegekeylist token=88CVUg\/zkujt+y+WfHdko79UcM4R6uyCL6nEfy3B token_type=0 token_id1=9... error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.privilegekeylist() ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() return self._return_proxy("privilegekeylist", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def privilegekeyuse(self, *, token): """ Usage:: privilegekeyuse token={tokenKey} Use a token key gain access to a server or channel group. Please note that the server will automatically delete the token after it has been used. Example:: privilegekeyuse token=eKnFZQ9EK7G7MhtuQB6+N2B1PNZZ6OZL3ycDp2OW error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.privilegekeyuse( ... token="eKnFZQ9EK7G7MhtuQB6+N2B1PNZZ6OZL3ycDp2OW") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["token"] = token return self._return_proxy("privilegekeyuse", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def quit(self): """ Usage:: quit Closes the ServerQuery connection to the TeamSpeak 3 Server instance. Example:: quit error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.quit() ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() return self._return_proxy("quit", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def sendtextmessage(self, *, targetmode, target, msg): """ Usage:: sendtextmessage targetmode={1-3} target={serverID|channelID|clientID} msg={text} Sends a text message a specified target. The type of the target is determined by targetmode while target specifies the ID of the recipient, whether it be a virtual server, a channel or a client. Example:: sendtextmessage targetmode=2 target=1 msg=Hello\sWorld! error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.sendtextmessage( ... targetmode=2, target=1, msg="Hello World!") """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["targetmode"] = targetmode cparams["target"] = target cparams["msg"] = msg return self._return_proxy("sendtextmessage", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def servercreate(self, **virtualserver_properties): """ Usage:: servercreate [virtualserver_properties...] Creates a new virtual server using the given properties and displays its ID and initial administrator token. If virtualserver_port is not specified, the server will test for the first unused UDP port. Example:: servercreate virtualserver_name=TeamSpeak\s]\p[\sServer virtualserver_port=9988 virtualserver_maxclients=32 sid=7 token=HhPbcMAMdAHGUip1yOma2Tl3sN0DN7B3Y0JVzYv6 virtualserver_port=9988 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.servercreate( ... virtualserver_name="TeamSpeak ]|[ Server", ... virtualserver_port=9988, virtualserver_maxclients=32) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams.update(virtualserver_properties) return self._return_proxy("servercreate", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def serverdelete(self, *, sid): """ Usage:: serverdelete sid={serverID} Deletes the virtual server specified with sid. Please note that only virtual servers in stopped state can be deleted. Example:: serverdelete sid=1 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.serverdelete(sid=1) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["sid"] = sid return self._return_proxy("serverdelete", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def serveredit(self, **virtualserver_properties): """ Usage:: serveredit [virtualserver_properties...] Changes the selected virtual servers configuration using given properties. Example:: serveredit virtualserver_name=TeamSpeak\sServer virtualserver_maxclients=32 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.serveredit( ... virtualserver_name="TeamSpeak Server", ... virtualserver_maxclients=32) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams.update(virtualserver_properties) return self._return_proxy("serveredit", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def servergroupadd(self, *, name, type_=None): """ Usage:: servergroupadd name={groupName} [type={groupDbType}] Creates a new server group using the name specified with name and displays its ID. The optional type parameter can be used to create ServerQuery groups and template groups. Example:: servergroupadd name=Server\sAdmin sgid=13 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.servergroupadd(name="Server Admin") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["name"] = name cparams["type"] = type_ return self._return_proxy("servergroupadd", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def servergroupaddclient(self, *, sgid, cldbid): """ Usage:: servergroupaddclient sgid={groupID} cldbid={clientDBID} Adds a client to the server group specified with sgid. Please note that a client cannot be added to default groups or template groups. Example:: servergroupaddclient sgid=16 cldbid=3 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.servergroupaddclient(sgid=16, cldbid=3) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["sgid"] = sgid cparams["cldbid"] = cldbid return self._return_proxy("servergroupaddclient", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def servergroupaddperm(self, *, sgid, permnegated, permskip, permid=None, permsid=None, permvalue=None): """ Usage:: servergroupaddperm sgid={groupID} permid={permID} permvalue={permValue} permnegated={1|0} permskip={1|0}|... servergroupaddperm sgid={groupID} permsid={permName} permvalue={permValue} permnegated={1|0} permskip={1|0}|... Adds a set of specified permissions to the server group specified with sgid. Multiple permissions can be added by providing the four parameters of each permission. A permission can be specified by permid or permsid. Example:: servergroupaddperm sgid=13 permid=8470 permvalue=1 permnegated=0 permskip=0|permid=8475 permvalue=0 permnegated=1 permskip=0 error id=0 msg=ok servergroupaddperm sgid=13 permsid=i_icon_id permvalue=123 permnegated=0 permskip=0|permsid=b_virtualserver_stop permvalue=0 permnegated=1 permskip=0 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.servergroupaddperm( ... sgid=13, permid=8470, permvalue=1, permnegated=0, ... permskip=0) ... >>> ts3cmd.servergroupaddperm( ... sgid=13, permsid="i_icon_id", permvalue=123, permnegated=0, ... permskip=0) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() uparams.append(OrderedDict()) uparams[0]["sgid"] = sgid uparams[0]["permid"] = permid uparams[0]["permsid"] = permsid uparams[0]["permvalue"] = permvalue uparams[0]["permnegated"] = permnegated uparams[0]["permskip"] = permskip return self._return_proxy("servergroupaddperm", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def servergroupautoaddperm(self, *, sgtype, permvalue, permnegated, permskip, permid=None, permsid=None): """ Usage:: servergroupautoaddperm sgtype={type} permid={permID} permvalue={permValue} permnegated={1|0} permskip={1|0}|... servergroupautoaddperm sgtype={type} permsid={permName} permvalue={permValue} permnegated={1|0} permskip={1|0}|... Adds a set of specified permissions to ALL regular server groups on all virtual servers. The target groups will be identified by the value of their i_group_auto_update_type permission specified with sgtype. Multiple permissions can be added at once. A permission can be specified by permid or permsid. The known values for sgtype are: 10: Channel Guest 15: Server Guest 20: Query Guest 25: Channel Voice 30: Server Normal 35: Channel Operator 40: Channel Admin 45: Server Admin 50: Query Admin Example:: servergroupautoaddperm sgtype=45 permid=8470 permvalue=1 permnegated=0 permskip=0|permid=8475 permvalue=0 permnegated=1 permskip=0 error id=0 msg=ok servergroupautoaddperm sgtype=45 permsid=i_icon_id permvalue=123 permnegated=0 permskip=0|permsid=b_virtualserver_stop permvalue=0 permnegated=1 permskip=0 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.servergroupautoaddperm( ... sgtype=45, permid=8470, permvalue=1, permnegated=0, ... permskip=0) ... >>> ts3cmd.servergroupautoaddperm( ... sgtype=45, permsid="i_icon_id", permvalue=123, ... permnegated=0, permskip=0) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() uparams.append(OrderedDict()) uparams[0]["sgtype"] = sgtype uparams[0]["permid"] = permid uparams[0]["permsid"] = permsid uparams[0]["permvalue"] = permvalue uparams[0]["permnegated"] = permnegated uparams[0]["permskip"] = permskip return self._return_proxy("servergroupautoaddperm", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def servergroupautodelperm(self, *, sgtype, permid=None, permsid=None): """ Usage:: servergroupautodelperm sgtype={type} permid={permID}|permid={permID}|... servergroupautodelperm sgtype={type} permsid={permName}|... Removes a set of specified permissions from ALL regular server groups on all virtual servers. The target groups will be identified by the value of their i_group_auto_update_type permission specified with sgtype. Multiple permissions can be removed at once. A permission can be specified by permid or permsid. The known values for sgtype are: 10: Channel Guest 15: Server Guest 20: Query Guest 25: Channel Voice 30: Server Normal 35: Channel Operator 40: Channel Admin 45: Server Admin 50: Query Admin Examples:: servergroupautodelperm sgtype=45 permid=8470|permid=8475 error id=0 msg=ok servergroupautodelperm sgtype=45 permsid=b_virtualserver_modify_maxclients error id=0 msg=ok Examples:: >>> ts3cmd.servergroupautodelperm(sgtype=45, permid=8470) ... >>> ts3cmd.servergroupautodelperm( ... sgtype=45, permsid="b_virtualserver_modify_maxclients") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["sgtype"] = sgtype uparams.append(OrderedDict()) uparams[0]["permid"] = permid uparams[0]["permsid"] = permsid return self._return_proxy("servergroupautodelperm", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def servergroupbyclientid(self, *, cldbid): """ Usage:: servergroupsbyclientid cldbid={clientDBID} Displays all server groups the client specified with cldbid is currently residing in. Example:: servergroupsbyclientid cldbid=18 name=Server\sAdmin sgid=6 cldbid=18 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.servergroupbyclientid(cldbid=18) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["cldbid"] = cldbid return self._return_proxy("servergroupbyclientid", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def servergroupclientlist(self, *, sgid, names=False): """ Usage:: servergroupclientlist sgid={groupID} [-names] Displays the IDs of all clients currently residing in the server group specified with sgid. If you're using the -names option, the output will also contain the last known nickname and the unique identifier of the clients. Example:: servergroupclientlist sgid=16 cldbid=7|cldbid=8|cldbid=9|cldbid=11|cldbid=13|cldbid=16|cldbid=18|... error id=0 msg=ok servergroupclientlist sgid=8 -names cldbid=4 client_nickname=ScP client_unique_identifier=FPMPSC6MXqXq7... error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.servergroupclientlist(sgid=16) ... >>> ts3cmd.servergroupclientlist(sgid=8, names=True) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["sgid"] = sgid if names: options.append("names") return self._return_proxy("servergroupclientlist", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def servergroupcopy(self, *, ssgid, tsgid, name, type_): """ Usage:: servergroupcopy ssgid={sourceGroupID} tsgid={targetGroupID} name={groupName} type={groupDbType} Creates a copy of the server group specified with ssgid. If tsgid is set to 0, the server will create a new group. To overwrite an existing group, simply set tsgid to the ID of a designated target group. If a target group is set, the name parameter will be ignored. The type parameter can be used to create ServerQuery and template groups. Example:: servergroupcopy ssgid=6 tsgid=0 name=My\sGroup\s(Copy) type=1 sgid=21 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.servergroupcopy( ... ssgid=6, tsgid=0, name="My Group (Copy)", type_=1) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["ssgid"] = ssgid cparams["tsgid"] = tsgid cparams["name"] = name cparams["type"] = type_ return self._return_proxy("servergroupcopy", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def servergroupdel(self, *, sgid, force=False): """ Usage:: servergroupdel sgid={groupID} force={1|0} Deletes the server group specified with sgid. If force is set to 1, the server group will be deleted even if there are clients within. Example:: servergroupdel sgid=13 error id=0 msg=ok servergroupdel sgid=14 force=1 error id=0 msg=ok Examples:: >>> ts3cmd.servergroupdel(sgid=13) ... >>> ts3cmd.servergroupdel(sgid=14, force=True) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["sgid"] = sgid cparams["force"] = force return self._return_proxy("servergroupdel", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def servergroupdelclient(self, *, sgid, cldbid): """ Usage:: servergroupdelclient sgid={groupID} cldbid={clientDBID} Removes a client from the server group specified with sgid. Example:: servergroupdelclient sgid=16 cldbid=3 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.servergroupdelclient(sgid=16, cldbid=3) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["sgid"] = sgid cparams["cldbid"] = cldbid return self._return_proxy("servergroupdelclient", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def servergroupdelperm(self, *, sgid, permid=None, permsid=None): """ Usage:: servergroupdelperm sgid={groupID} permid={permID}|permid={permID} servergroupdelperm sgid={groupID} permsid={permName} Removes a set of specified permissions from the server group specified with sgid. Multiple permissions can be removed at once. A permission can be specified by permid or permsid. Examples:: servergroupdelperm sgid=16 permid=8470|permid=8475 error id=0 msg=ok servergroupdelperm sgid=16 permsid=i_channel_join_power error id=0 msg=ok Examples:: >>> ts3cmd.servergroupdelperm(sgid=16, permid=8470) ... >>> ts3cmd.servergroupdelperm(sgid=16, permid=8475) ... >>> ts3cmd.servergroupdelperm( ... sgid=16, permsid="i_channel_join_power") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["sgid"] = sgid uparams.append(OrderedDict()) uparams[0]["permid"] = permid uparams[0]["permsid"] = permsid return self._return_proxy("servergroupdelperm", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def servergrouplist(self): """ Usage:: servergrouplist Displays a list of server groups available. Depending on your permissions, the output may also contain global ServerQuery groups and template groups. Example:: servergrouplist sgid=9 name=Server\sAdmin type=1 iconid=300 savedb=1|sgid=10 name=Normal t... error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.servergrouplist() ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() return self._return_proxy("servergrouplist", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def servergrouppermlist(self, *, sgid, permsid=False): """ Usage:: servergrouppermlist sgid={groupID} [-permsid] Displays a list of permissions assigned to the server group specified with sgid. The optional -permsid parameter can be used to get the permission names instead of their internal ID. Example: servergrouppermlist sgid=13 permid=8470 permvalue=1 permnegated=0 permskip=0|permid=8475 permvalue=1|... error id=0 msg=ok servergrouppermlist sgid=14 -permsid permsid=b_virtualserver_info_view permvalue=1 permnegated=0 permskip=0|... error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.servergrouppermlist(sgid=13) ... >>> ts3cmd.servergrouppermlist(sgid=14, permsid=True) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["sgid"] = sgid if permsid: options.append("permsid") return self._return_proxy("servergrouppermlist", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def servergrouprename(self, *, sgid, name): """ Usage:: servergrouprename sgid={groupID} name={groupName} Changes the name of the server group specified with sgid. Example:: servergrouprename sgid=13 name=New\sName error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.servergrouprename(sgid=13, name="New Name") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["sgid"] = sgid cparams["name"] = name return self._return_proxy("servergrouprename", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def servergroupsbyclientid(self, *, cldbid): """ Usage:: servergroupsbyclientid cldbid={clientDBID} Displays all server groups the client specified with cldbid is currently residing in. Example:: servergroupsbyclientid cldbid=18 name=Server\sAdmin sgid=6 cldbid=18 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.servergroupsbyclientid(cldbid=18) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["cldbid"] = cldbid return self._return_proxy("servergroupsbyclientid", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def serveridgetbyport(self, *, virtualserver_port): """ Usage:: serveridgetbyport virtualserver_port={serverPort} Displays the database ID of the virtual server running on the UDP port specified by virtualserver_port. Example:: serveridgetbyport virtualserver_port=9987 server_id=1 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.serveridgetbyport(virtualserver_port=9987) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["virtualserver_port"] = virtualserver_port return self._return_proxy("serveridgetbyport", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def serverinfo(self): """ Usage:: serverinfo Displays detailed configuration information about the selected virtual server including unique ID, number of clients online, configuration, etc. Example:: serverinfo virtualserver_port=9987 virtualserver_name=TeamSpeak\s]I[\sServer virtua... error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.serverinfo() ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() return self._return_proxy("serverinfo", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def serverlist(self, *, uid=False, all_=False, short=False, onlyoffline=False): """ Usage:: serverlist [-uid] [-all] [-short] [-onlyoffline] Displays a list of virtual servers including their ID, status, number of clients online, etc. If you're using the -all option, the server will list all virtual servers stored in the database. This can be useful when multiple server instances with different machine IDs are using the same database. The machine ID is used to identify the server instance a virtual server is associated with. The status of a virtual server can be either online, offline, booting up, shutting down and virtual online. While most of them are self-explanatory, virtual online is a bit more complicated. Whenever you select a virtual server which is currently stopped, it will be started in virtual mode which means you are able to change its configuration, create channels or change permissions, but no regular TeamSpeak 3 Client can connect. As soon as the last ServerQuery client deselects the virtual server, its status will be changed back to offline. Example:: serverlist virtualserver_id=1 virtualserver_port=9987 virtualserver_status=online virtualserver_clientsonline=6... error id=0 msg=ok Examples:: >>> ts3cmd.serverlist() ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() if uid: options.append("uid") if all_: options.append("all") if short: options.append("short") if onlyoffline: options.append("onlyoffline") return self._return_proxy("serverlist", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def servernotifyregister(self, *, event, id_=None): """ Usage:: servernotifyregister [id={channelID}] event={server|channel|textserver|textchannel|textprivate} Registers for a specified category of events on a virtual server to receive notification messages. Depending on the notifications you've registered for, the server will send you a message on every event in the view of your ServerQuery client (e.g. clients joining your channel, incoming text messages, server configuration changes, etc). The event source is declared by the event parameter while id can be used to limit the notifications to a specific channel. Example:: servernotifyregister event=server error id=0 msg=ok servernotifyregister event=channel id=123 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.servernotifyregister(event="server") ... >>> ts3cmd.servernotifyregister(event="channel", id_=123) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["id"] = id_ cparams["event"] = event return self._return_proxy("servernotifyregister", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def servernotifyunregister(self): """ Usage:: servernotifyunregister Unregisters all events previously registered with servernotifyregister so you will no longer receive notification messages. Example:: servernotifyunregister error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.servernotifyunregister() ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() return self._return_proxy("servernotifyunregister", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def serverprocessstop(self): """ Usage:: serverprocessstop Stops the entire TeamSpeak 3 Server instance by shutting down the process. Example:: serverprocessstop error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.serverprocessstop() ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() return self._return_proxy("serverprocessstop", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def serverrequestconnectioninfo(self): """ Usage:: serverrequestconnectioninfo Displays detailed connection information about the selected virtual server including uptime, traffic information, etc. Example:: serverrequestconnectioninfo connection_filetransfer_bandwidth_sent=0 connection_packets_sent_total=0... error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.serverrequestconnectioninfo() ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() return self._return_proxy("serverrequestconnectioninfo", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def serversnapshotcreate(self): """ Usage:: serversnapshotcreate Displays a snapshot of the selected virtual server containing all settings, groups and known client identities. The data from a server snapshot can be used to restore a virtual servers configuration. Example:: serversnapshotcreate hash=bnTd2E1kNITHjJYRCFjgbKKO5P8=|virtualserver_name=TeamSpeak\sServer... error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.serversnapshotcreate() ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() return self._return_proxy("serversnapshotcreate", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def serversnapshotdeploy(self, *, virtualserver_snapshot): """ Usage:: serversnapshotdeploy {virtualserver_snapshot} Restores the selected virtual servers configuration using the data from a previously created server snapshot. Please note that the TeamSpeak 3 Server does NOT check for necessary permissions while deploying a snapshot so the command could be abused to gain additional privileges. Example:: serversnapshotdeploy hash=bnTd2E1kNITHjJYRCFjgbKKO5P8=|virtualserver_... error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.serversnapshotdeploy( ... "hash=bnTd2E1kNITHjJYRCFjgbKKO5P8=|virtualserver_...") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams[""] = RawParameter(virtualserver_snapshot) return self._return_proxy("serversnapshotdeploy", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def serverstart(self, *, sid): """ Usage:: serverstart sid={serverID} Starts the virtual server specified with sid. Depending on your permissions, you're able to start either your own virtual server only or any virtual server in the server instance. Example:: serverstart sid=1 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.serverstart(sid=1) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["sid"] = sid return self._return_proxy("serverstart", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def serverstop(self, *, sid): """ Usage:: serverstop sid={serverID} Stops the virtual server specified with sid. Depending on your permissions, you're able to stop either your own virtual server only or all virtual servers in the server instance. Example:: serverstop sid=1 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.serverstop(sid=1) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["sid"] = sid return self._return_proxy("serverstop", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def servertemppasswordadd(self, *, pw, desc, duration, tcid, tcpw): """ Usage:: servertemppasswordadd pw={password} desc={description} duration={seconds} tcid={channelID} tcpw={channelPW} Sets a new temporary server password specified with pw. The temporary password will be valid for the number of seconds specified with duration. The client connecting with this password will automatically join the channel specified with tcid. If tcid is set to 0, the client will join the default channel. Example:: servertemppasswordadd pw=secret desc=none duration=3600 tcid=117535 tcpw=123 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.servertemppasswordadd( ... pw="secret", desc="none", duration=3600, tcid=117535, ... tcpw="123") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["pw"] = pw cparams["desc"] = desc cparams["duration"] = duration cparams["tcid"] = tcid cparams["tcpw"] = tcpw return self._return_proxy("servertemppasswordadd", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def servertemppassworddel(self, *, pw): """ Usage:: servertemppassworddel pw={password} Deletes the temporary server password specified with pw. Example:: servertemppassworddel pw=secret error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.servertemppassworddel(pw="secret") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["pw"] = pw return self._return_proxy("servertemppassworddel", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def servertemppasswordlist(self): """ Usage:: servertemppasswordlist Returns a list of active temporary server passwords. The output contains the clear-text password, the nickname and unique identifier of the creating client. Example:: servertemppasswordlist nickname=serveradmin uid=serveradmin desc=none pw_clear=secret start=1331496494 end=1331500094 tcid=117535|nickname=serveradmin... error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.servertemppasswordlist() ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() return self._return_proxy("servertemppasswordlist", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def setclientchannelgroup(self, *, cgid, cid, cldbid): """ Usage:: setclientchannelgroup cgid={groupID} cid={channelID} cldbid={clientDBID} Sets the channel group of a client to the ID specified with cgid. Example:: setclientchannelgroup cgid=13 cid=15 cldbid=20 error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.setclientchannelgroup(cgid=13, cid=15, cldbid=20) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["cgid"] = cgid cparams["cid"] = cid cparams["cldbid"] = cldbid return self._return_proxy("setclientchannelgroup", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def tokenadd(self, *, tokentype, tokenid1, tokenid2, tokendescription=None, tokencustomset=None): """ Usage:: tokenadd tokentype={1|0} tokenid1={groupID} tokenid2={channelID} [tokendescription={description}] [tokencustomset={customFieldSet}] Create a new token. If tokentype is set to 0, the ID specified with tokenid1 will be a server group ID. Otherwise, tokenid1 is used as a channel group ID and you need to provide a valid channel ID using tokenid2. The tokencustomset parameter allows you to specify a set of custom client properties. This feature can be used when generating tokens to combine a website account database with a TeamSpeak user. The syntax of the value needs to be escaped using the ServerQuery escape patterns and has to follow the general syntax of: ident=ident1 value=value1|ident=ident2 value=value2|ident=ident3 value=value3 Example:: tokenadd tokentype=0 tokenid1=6 tokenid2=0 tokendescription=Test tokencustomset=ident=forum_user\svalue=ScP\pident=forum_id\svalue=123 token=eKnFZQ9EK7G7MhtuQB6+N2B1PNZZ6OZL3ycDp2OW error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.tokenadd( ... tokentype=0, tokenid1=6, tokenid2=0, ... tokendescription="Test", ... tokencustomset="ident=forum_user\svalue=ScP\pident=forum_id\svalue=123" ... ) ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["tokentype"] = tokentype cparams["tokenid1"] = tokenid1 cparams["tokenid2"] = tokenid2 cparams["tokendescription"] = tokendescription cparams["tokencustomset"] = tokencustomset return self._return_proxy("tokenadd", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def tokendelete(self, *, token): """ Usage:: tokendelete token={tokenKey} Deletes an existing token matching the token key specified with token. Example:: tokendelete token=eKnFZQ9EK7G7MhtuQB6+N2B1PNZZ6OZL3ycDp2OW error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.tokendelete( ... token="eKnFZQ9EK7G7MhtuQB6+N2B1PNZZ6OZL3ycDp2OW") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["token"] = token return self._return_proxy("tokendelete", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def tokenlist(self): """ Usage:: tokenlist Displays a list of tokens available including their type and group IDs. Tokens can be used to gain access to specified server or channel groups. A token is similar to a client with administrator privileges that adds you to a certain permission group, but without the necessity of a such a client with administrator privileges to actually exist. It is a long (random looking) string that can be used as a ticket into a specific server group. Example:: tokenlist token=88CVUg\/zkujt+y+WfHdko79UcM4R6uyCL6nEfy3B token_type=0 token_id1=9... error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.tokenlist() ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() return self._return_proxy("tokenlist", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def tokenuse(self, *, token): """ Usage:: tokenuse token={tokenKey} Use a token key gain access to a server or channel group. Please note that the server will automatically delete the token after it has been used. Example:: tokenuse token=eKnFZQ9EK7G7MhtuQB6+N2B1PNZZ6OZL3ycDp2OW error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.tokenuse( ... token="eKnFZQ9EK7G7MhtuQB6+N2B1PNZZ6OZL3ycDp2OW") ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["token"] = token return self._return_proxy("tokenuse", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def use(self, *, sid=None, port=None, virtual=False): """ Usage:: use [sid={serverID}] [port={serverPort}] [-virtual] use {serverID} Selects the virtual server specified with sid or port to allow further interaction. The ServerQuery client will appear on the virtual server and acts like a real TeamSpeak 3 Client, except it's unable to send or receive voice data. If your database contains multiple virtual servers using the same UDP port, use will select a random virtual server using the specified port. Examples:: use sid=1 error id=0 msg=ok use port=9987 error id=0 msg=ok use 1 error id=0 msg=ok """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() cparams["sid"] = sid cparams["port"] = port if virtual: options.append("virtual") return self._return_proxy("use", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def version(self): """ Usage:: version Displays the servers version information including platform and build number. Example:: version version=3.0.0-beta16 build=9929 platform=Linux error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.version() ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() return self._return_proxy("version", cparams, uparams, options)
[docs] def whoami(self): """ Usage:: whoami Displays information about your current ServerQuery connection including the ID of the selected virtual server, your loginname, etc. Example:: whoami virtualserver_status=online virtualserver_id=1 client_channel_id=2 ... error id=0 msg=ok Example:: >>> ts3cmd.whoami() ... """ cparams = OrderedDict() uparams = list() options = list() return self._return_proxy("whoami", cparams, uparams, options)