Source code for ts3.query

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# The MIT License (MIT)
# Copyright (c) 2013-2018 <see AUTHORS.txt>
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
# this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
# the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
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This module contains a high-level API for the TeamSpeak 3 *Server Query* and
*Client Query plugin*.

.. versionchanged:: 2.0.0

    The :class:`TS3Connection` class has been renamed to

.. versionadded:: 2.0.0

    The :class:`TS3ClientConnection` class has been added.

# std
import re
import time
import socket
import telnetlib
import logging
import warnings
from urllib.parse import urlparse

# third party
import paramiko

# local
from .common import TS3Error
from .response import TS3Response, TS3QueryResponse, TS3Event
from .query_builder import TS3QueryBuilder

except NameError:
    TimeoutError = OSError

__all__ = [

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class TS3InvalidCommandError(TS3Error, ValueError): """ Raised if a :class:`TS3QueryBuilder` is constructed with an unknown command. :seealso: :attr:`TS3BaseConnection.COMMAND_SET` """ def __init__(self, cmd, valid_cmds): #: The unknown command. self.cmd = cmd #: A set with all allowed (known) commands. self.valid_cmds = valid_cmds return None def __str__(self): tmp = "The command '{}' is unknown.".format(self.cmd) return tmp
[docs]class TS3QueryError(TS3Error): """ Raised, if the error code of the response was not 0. """ def __init__(self, resp): #: The :class:`TS3Response` instance with the response data. self.resp = resp return None def __str__(self): tmp = "error id {}: {}".format( self.resp.error["id"], self.resp.error["msg"]) return tmp
[docs]class TS3TimeoutError(TS3Error, TimeoutError): """ Raised, if a response or event could not be received due to a *timeout*. """ def __str__(self): tmp = "Could not receive data from the server within the timeout." return tmp
[docs]class TS3TransportError(TS3Error): """ Raised if something goes wrong on the transport level, e.g. a connection cannot be established or has already been closed. :seealso: :class:`TS3Transport` """
def running_timeout(timeout): """Helper to enforce a 'global' timeout:: timeout = running_timeout(timeout) while True: line = conn.recv(timeout()) :raises TS3TimeoutError: """ start = time.time() def remaining(): """Returns the remaining time until *timeout* seconds have passed.""" if timeout is None: return None dt = time.time() - start if dt > timeout: raise TS3TimeoutError() return timeout - dt return remaining class TS3Transport(object): """ The TS3 server supports the *telnet* and *ssh* protocols. This class defines an abstract interface which is used by the :class:`TS3BaseConnection` to perform requests. TS3Transport instances are used for **exactly one connection**. .. note:: The transport adapter is only used internally and not part of the public API. """ def connect(self, host, port, timeout, **kargs): """ Connect to the TS3 query service at the specificed address (host, port). :raises TS3TimeoutError: :raises TS3TransportError: """ raise NotImplementedError() def close(self): """Closes the connection, never fails.""" raise NotImplementedError() def read_line(self, timeout): """ Blocks until a line has been received (delimted by ``b\n\r``) or the timeout expired. :raises TS3TimeoutError: :raises TS3TransportError: """ raise NotImplementedError() def send_line(self, data): """ Send a line of data to the TS3 query service. The delimiter is added automatic. :raises TS3TransportError: """ raise NotImplementedError() class TS3TelnetTransport(TS3Transport): """An adapter for the telnet protocol using :class:`telnetlib.Telnet`.""" def fileno(self): return self._conn.fileno() def connect(self, host, port, timeout, **kargs): try: self._conn = telnetlib.Telnet(host, port, timeout) except OSError as err: raise TS3TransportError() from err except TimeoutError as err: raise TS3TimeoutError() from err return None def close(self): self._conn.close() return None def read_line(self, timeout): try: return self._conn.read_until(b"\n\r", timeout=timeout) except (EOFError, OSError) as err: raise TS3TransportError() from err def send_line(self, data): try: return self._conn.write(data + b"\n\r") except OSError as err: raise TS3TransportError() from err class TS3SSHTransport(TS3Transport): """An adapter for the SSH protocol using :class:`paramiko.SSHClient`.""" def fileno(self): return self._channel.fileno() def connect(self, host, port, timeout, **kargs): client = paramiko.SSHClient() # Load the host key and warn if not provided. if "host_key" in kargs: client.load_host_keys(kargs["host_key"]) else: client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) warnings.warn( "You should provide a 'host_key' to improve security.", Warning ) client.connect( host, port=port, username=kargs["username"], password=kargs["password"] ) self._client = client self._channel = client.invoke_shell("raw") self._rbuffer = b"" return None def close(self): self._client.close() return None def read_line(self, timeout): timeout = running_timeout(timeout) delimiter = b"\n\r" # Wait until the delimiter can be found in the line buffer. while True: eol = self._rbuffer.find(delimiter) if eol != -1: break self._channel.settimeout(timeout()) try: self._rbuffer += self._channel.recv(4096) except socket.timeout as err: raise TS3TimeoutError() from err # include the delimiter eol += len(delimiter) line, self._rbuffer = self._rbuffer[:eol], self._rbuffer[eol:] return line def send_line(self, data): self._channel.send(data + b"\n\r") return None
[docs]class TS3BaseConnection(object): """ The TS3 query client. This class provides only the methods to **handle** the connection to a TeamSpeak 3 query service. For a more convenient interface, use the :class:`TS3ServerConnection` or :class:`TS3ClientConnection` class. Note, that this class supports the *with* statement:: with TS3BaseConnection("ssh://serveradmin:Z0YxRb7u@localhost:10022") as ts3conn: ts3conn.exec_("use", sid=1) # You can also use an equal try-finally construct. ts3conn = TS3BaseConnection() try: ts3conn.open_uri("telnet://serveradmin:Z0YxRb7u@localhost:10011") ts3conn.exec_("use", sid=1) finally: ts3conn.close() .. warning:: * This class is **not thread safe**. * Do **not reuse** already connected instances. .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 * The *send()* method has been removed, use :meth:`exec_`, :meth:`query` instead. * SSH support * The :meth:`open_uri` method. """ #: The length of the greeting. This is the number of lines returned by #: the query service after successful connection. #: #: For example, the TS3 Server Query returns these lines upon connection:: #: #: b'TS3\n\r' #: b'Welcome to the [...] on a specific command.\n\r' GREETING_LENGTH = None #: A set with all known commands. COMMAND_SET = set() def __init__(self, uri=None, tp_args=None): """ If *host* and *port* are provided, the connection will be established before the constructor returns. .. seealso:: :meth:`open` """ self._transport = None # A buffer for the lines in a query response. self._resp_buffer = None # The number of queries for which we have not received a response yet. self._num_pending_queries = 0 # The undelivered events. These events are returned, the next time # *wait_for_event()* is called. self._event_queue = list() #: The hostname of the query service to which this client is connected. self._host = None if uri is not None: self.open_uri(uri, tp_args=tp_args) return None # *Simple* get and set methods # ------------------------------------------------
[docs] def is_connected(self): """ :return: True, if the client is currently connected. :rtype: bool """ return self._transport is not None
@property def host(self): """The hostname of the host of the query service.""" return self._host # Networking # ------------------------------------------------
[docs] def open(self, host, port, timeout=None, protocol="telnet", tp_args=None): """ Connect to the TS3 query service. .. code-block:: python # Connect using telnet."localhost", 10011) # Connect using ssh."localhost", 10022, protocol="ssh", tp_args={ "username": "serveradmin", "password": "123456" }) :arg str host: The hostname :arg int port: The listening port of the service. :arg int timeout: If not *None*, an exception is raised if the connection cannot be established within *timeout* seconds. :arg str protocol: The protocol to be used. The TS3 server supports *ssh* and *telnet*, while the client only supports *telnet*. :arg dict tp_args: A dictionary with parameters that are passed to the :meth:`~TS3Transport.connect` method of the used transport. The SSH protocol for example requires a *username* and *password*. :raises TS3TransportError: If the client is already connected or the connection cannot be established. :raises TS3TimeoutError: If the connection cannot be established within the specified *timeout*. :seealso: :meth:`open_uri` """ if self.is_connected(): raise TS3TransportError("Already connected.") # Choose the transport adapter. if protocol == "telnet": tp = TS3TelnetTransport() elif protocol == "ssh": tp = TS3SSHTransport() else: raise ValueError("The protocol must be 'ssh' or 'telnet'.") # Conenct to the query service. tp_args = tp_args or dict() tp.connect(host, port, timeout, **tp_args) # Skip the greeting. for i in range(self.GREETING_LENGTH): tp.read_line(timeout=timeout) self._transport = tp self._num_pending_queries = 0 self._resp_buffer = list() self._event_queue = list() self._host = host"Created connection to {}:{}.".format(host, port)) return self
[docs] def open_uri(self, uri, timeout=None, tp_args=None): """ The same as :meth:`open`, but the host, port, username, password, ... are encoded compact in a URI. .. code-block:: python >>> ts3conn.open_uri("telnet://") >>> ts3conn.open_uri("ssh://") """ p = urlparse(uri) host = p.hostname port = p.port protocol = p.scheme tp_args = tp_args or dict() tp_args["username"] = p.username tp_args["password"] = p.password return, port, timeout, protocol, tp_args)
[docs] def close(self, timeout=None): """ Sends the ``quit`` command and closes the telnet connection. """ if self.is_connected(): try: self._transport.close() finally: self._transport = None self._num_pending_queries = 0 self._resp_buffer = list() self._event_queue = list() self._host = None LOG.debug("Disconnected client.") return None
[docs] def fileno(self): """ :return: The fileno() of the socket object used internally. :rtype: int """ return self._transport.fileno()
def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, tb): self.close() return None def __del__(self): self.close() return None # Receiving # ------------------------- def _recv(self, timeout=None): """ Blocks, until a message (response or event) has been received. If an event is received it is appended to the :attr:`_event_queue` and returned. If a query response is received, it is only returned (but not cachd). :arg float timeout: The maximum time in seconds waited for a response a event. :type timeout: None or float :rtype: TS3Event or TS3QueryResponse :returns: A TS3Event or TS3QueryResponse :raises TS3TimeoutError: :raises TS3RecvError: """ timeout = running_timeout(timeout) while True: try: data = self._transport.read_line(timeout=timeout()) # Catch socket and telnet errors except TS3TransportError as err: self.close() raise # Handle the receives message. else: if not data: raise TS3TimeoutError() elif data.startswith(b"notify"): event = TS3Event(data) self._event_queue.append(event) return event elif data.startswith(b"error"): self._resp_buffer.append(data) data = b"".join(self._resp_buffer) self._resp_buffer = list() resp = TS3QueryResponse(data) self._num_pending_queries -= 1 return resp else: self._resp_buffer.append(data) return None
[docs] def wait_for_event(self, timeout=None): """ Blocks until an event is received or the *timeout* exceeds. The next received event is returned. A simple event loop looks like this: .. code-block:: python3 ts3conn.query("servernotifyregister", event="server").exec() while True: ts3conn.send_keepalive() try: event = ts3conn.wait_for_event(timeout=540) except TS3TimeoutError: pass else: # Handle the received event here ... :arg timeout: The maximum number of seconds waited for the next event. :type timeout: None or float :rtype: TS3Event :returns: The next received ts3 event. :raises TS3TimeoutError: :raises TS3RecvError: """ timeout = running_timeout(timeout) while not self._event_queue: self._recv(timeout=timeout()) return self._event_queue.pop(0) if self._event_queue else None
def _wait_for_resp(self, timeout=None): """ Waits for the response to the last issued query. :arg timeout: The maximum number of seconds waited for the query response. :type timeout: None or int :raises TS3TimeoutError: :raises TS3ResponseRecvError: :raises TS3QueryError: """ assert self._num_pending_queries timeout = running_timeout(timeout) while True: resp = self._recv(timeout=timeout()) if isinstance(resp, TS3QueryResponse): break if resp.error["id"] != "0": raise TS3QueryError(resp) return resp # Sending # -------------------------
[docs] def send_keepalive(self): """ Sends an empty query to the query service in order to prevent automatic disconnect. Make sure to call it at least once in 5 minutes. """ self._transport.send_line(b" ") return None
[docs] def exec_(self, cmd, *options, **params): """ Sends a command to the TS3 server and returns the response. Check out the :meth:`query` method if you want to make use of pipelining and more control. .. code-block:: python # use sid=1 ts3conn.exec_("use", sid=1) # clientlist -uid -away -groups resp = ts3conn.exec_("clientlist", "uid", "away", "groups") :arg str cmd: A TS3 command :arg options: The options of a command without a leading minus, e.g. ``'uid'``, ``'away'``. :arg params: Some parameters (key, value pairs) which modify the command, e.g. ``sid=1``. :rtype: TS3QueryResponse :returns: A object which contains all information about the response. :seealso: :meth:`wait_for_resp` :versionadded: 2.0.0 """ q = self.query(cmd, *options, **params) return q.fetch()
[docs] def query(self, cmd, *options, **params): """ .. note:: The :meth:`query` method is great if you want to **fetch** data from the server or want to **pipeline** parameters on the same command. If you are only interested in getting the command executed, then you are probably better off using :meth:`exec_`. Returns a new :class:`~ts3.query_builder.TS3QueryBuilder` object with the first pipe being initialised with the *options* and *params*:: # serverlist q = ts3conn.query("serverlist") # clientlist -uid -away -groups q = ts3conn.query("clientlist", "uid", "away", "groups") # clientdbfind pattern=ScP q = ts3conn.query("clientdbfind", pattern="ScP") # clientdbfind pattern=FPMPSC6MXqXq751dX7BKV0JniSo= -uid q = ts3conn.query("clientdbfind", "uid", pattern="FPMPSC6MXqXq751dX7BKV0JniSo") # clientkick reasonid=5 reasonmsg=Go\saway! clid=1|clid=2|clid=3 q = ts3conn.query("clientkick", reasonid=5, reasonmsg="Go away!")\\ .pipe(clid=1).pipe(clid=2).pipe(clid=3) # channelmove cid=16 cpid=1 order=0 q = ts3conn.query("channelmove", cid=16, cpid=1, order=0) # sendtextmessage targetmode=2 target=12 msg=Hello\sWorld! q = ts3conn.query("sendtextmessage", targetmode=2, target=12, msg="Hello World!") Queries are **executed** once the :meth:`~ts3.query_builder.TS3QueryBuilder.fetch`, :meth:`~ts3.query_builder.TS3QueryBuilder.first` or :meth:`~ts3.query_builder.TS3QueryBuilder.all` is invoked:: # Returns a TS3Response object. resp = q.fetch() # Returns the first item in the response or *None*. resp = q.first() # Returns a list with all items in the response rather # than a TS3Response object. resp = q.all() :arg options: All initial options in the first pipe. :arg params: All initial parameters (key value pairs) in the first pipe. :rtype: TS3QueryBuilder :returns: A query builder initialised with the *options* and *params*. :versionadded: 2.0.0 """ if cmd not in self.COMMAND_SET: raise TS3InvalidCommandError(cmd, self.COMMAND_SET) return TS3QueryBuilder(ts3conn=self, cmd=cmd).pipe(*options, **params)
[docs] def exec_query(self, query, timeout=None): """ Sends the *query* to the server, waits and returns for the response. :arg TS3QueryBuilder query: The query which should be executed. :rtype: TS3QueryResponse :returns: A object which contains all information about the response. :seealso: :meth:`wait_for_resp` :versionadded: 2.0.0 """ q = query.compile() LOG.debug("Sending query: '%s'.", q) q = q.encode() self._transport.send_line(q) # To identify the response when we receive it. self._num_pending_queries += 1 return self._wait_for_resp(timeout=timeout)
[docs]class TS3ServerConnection(TS3BaseConnection): """ Use this class to connect to a **TS3 Server**:: with TS3ServerConnection("localhost") as tsconn: ts3conn.exec_("login", client_login_name="serveradmin", client_login_password="MyStupidPassword") ts3conn.exec_("use") ts3conn.exec_("clientkick", clid=1) resp = ts3conn.query("serverlist").all() """ #: The typical TS3 Server greeting:: #: #: b'TS3\n\r' #: b'Welcome to the [...] on a specific command.\n\r' GREETING_LENGTH = 2 #: All server query commands as returned by the *help* command, #: excluding *quit*. Use :meth:`close` instead. COMMAND_SET = frozenset([ "help", "login", "logout", "version", "hostinfo", "instanceinfo", "instanceedit", "bindinglist", "use", "serverlist", "serveridgetbyport", "serverdelete", "servercreate", "serverstart", "serverstop", "serverprocessstop", "serverinfo", "serverrequestconnectioninfo", "servertemppasswordadd", "servertemppassworddel", "servertemppasswordlist", "serveredit", "servergrouplist", "servergroupadd", "servergroupdel", "servergroupcopy", "servergrouprename", "servergrouppermlist", "servergroupaddperm", "servergroupdelperm", "servergroupaddclient", "servergroupdelclient", "servergroupclientlist", "servergroupsbyclientid", "servergroupautoaddperm", "servergroupautodelperm", "serversnapshotcreate", "serversnapshotdeploy", "servernotifyregister", "servernotifyunregister", "sendtextmessage", "logview", "logadd", "gm", "channellist", "channelinfo", "channelfind", "channelmove", "channelcreate", "channeldelete", "channeledit", "channelgrouplist", "channelgroupadd", "channelgroupdel", "channelgroupcopy", "channelgrouprename", "channelgroupaddperm", "channelgrouppermlist", "channelgroupdelperm", "channelgroupclientlist", "setclientchannelgroup", "channelpermlist", "channeladdperm", "channeldelperm", "clientlist", "clientinfo", "clientfind", "clientedit", "clientdblist", "clientdbinfo", "clientdbfind", "clientdbedit", "clientdbdelete", "clientgetids", "clientgetdbidfromuid", "clientgetnamefromuid", "clientgetnamefromdbid", "clientsetserverquerylogin", "clientupdate", "clientmove", "clientkick", "clientpoke", "clientpermlist", "clientaddperm", "clientdelperm", "channelclientpermlist", "channelclientaddperm", "channelclientdelperm", "permissionlist", "permidgetbyname", "permoverview", "permget", "permfind", "permreset", "privilegekeylist", "privilegekeyadd", "privilegekeydelete", "privilegekeyuse", "messagelist", "messageadd", "messagedel", "messageget", "messageupdateflag", "complainlist", "complainadd", "complaindelall", "complaindel", "banclient", "banlist", "banadd", "bandel", "bandelall", "ftinitupload", "ftinitdownload", "ftlist", "ftgetfilelist", "ftgetfileinfo", "ftstop", "ftdeletefile", "ftcreatedir", "ftrenamefile", "customsearch", "custominfo", "whoami" ])
[docs] def open(self, host, port, timeout=None, protocol="telnet", tp_args=None): super().open(host, port, timeout, protocol, tp_args) # Try to log in. Only SSH requires authentication during the connection # handshake. username = tp_args.get("username") password = tp_args.get("password") if username and password: self.exec_( "login", client_login_name=username, client_login_password=password )"Logged in as '%s'.", username) return None
[docs]class TS3ClientConnection(TS3BaseConnection): """ Use this class if you want to connect to a **TS3 Client**:: with TS3ClientConnection("localhost") as tsconn: ts3conn.exec_("auth", apikey="AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD-EEEE") ts3conn.exec_("use") """ #: The typical TS3 Server greeting:: #: #: b'TS3 Client\n\r' #: b'Welcome to the TeamSpeak 3 ClientQuery interface [...].\n\r' #: b'Use the "auth" command to authenticate yourself. [...].\n\r' #: b'selected schandlerid=1\n\r' GREETING_LENGTH = 4 #: All client query commands as returned by the *help* command, #: excluding *quit*. Use :meth:`close` instead. COMMAND_SET = frozenset([ "help", "quit", "use", "auth", "banadd", "banclient", "bandelall", "bandel", "banlist", "channeladdperm", "channelclientaddperm", "channelclientdelperm", "channelclientlist", "channelclientpermlist", "channelconnectinfo", "channelcreate", "channeldelete", "channeldelperm", "channeledit", "channelgroupadd", "channelgroupaddperm", "channelgroupclientlist", "channelgroupdel", "channelgroupdelperm", "channelgrouplist", "channelgrouppermlist", "channellist", "channelmove", "channelpermlist", "channelvariable", "clientaddperm", "clientdbdelete", "clientdbedit", "clientdblist", "clientdelperm", "clientgetdbidfromuid", "clientgetids", "clientgetnamefromdbid", "clientgetnamefromuid", "clientgetuidfromclid", "clientkick", "clientlist", "clientmove", "clientmute", "clientunmute", "clientnotifyregister", "clientnotifyunregister", "clientpermlist", "clientpoke", "clientupdate", "clientvariable", "complainadd", "complaindelall", "complaindel", "complainlist", "currentschandlerid", "ftcreatedir", "ftdeletefile", "ftgetfileinfo", "ftgetfilelist", "ftinitdownload", "ftinitupload", "ftlist", "ftrenamefile", "ftstop", "hashpassword", "messageadd", "messagedel", "messageget", "messagelist", "messageupdateflag", "permoverview", "sendtextmessage", "serverconnectinfo", "serverconnectionhandlerlist", "servergroupaddclient", "servergroupadd", "servergroupaddperm", "servergroupclientlist", "servergroupdelclient", "servergroupdel", "servergroupdelperm", "servergrouplist", "servergrouppermlist", "servergroupsbyclientid", "servervariable", "setclientchannelgroup", "tokenadd", "tokendelete", "tokenlist", "tokenuse", "verifychannelpassword", "verifyserverpassword", "whoami" ])